KB and I went for the basic, intermediate 1 and intermediate 2 workshops at Soap Ministry. Their soap making workshops only involves the "melt and pour" technique, not the cold process or hot process kind of procedures that typically begin from vegetable oil.
The basic workshop was really easy. We start by cutting the block of soap base into small pieces and melt them over boiling water. After that, we add glycerin, vitamin E and essential oil (or fruity scent) into the liquid soap base. Then, we pour a small amount into a cup and add colour. Finally, we pour the mixture into mould, let it cool and solidify. When the soap has harden, it is removed from the mould and the product is done. There are two types of soap base. The clear one is the basic soap base and the white one is goat's milk soap base.
The intermediate levels, however, requires a lot more patience and skill. In level 1, we learnt to make a soap within a soap. We also learn to add colours onto a uni-colour soap, such that the product is no longer monochrome. In level 2, we made sushi soap using a method that is pretty much like how one would make the real sushi. We also made other food items.
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